Given the looming contract exchange deadline, the mind (and the boys) should be fully focused on the finishing line (of phase one).
As you can see below things are moving apace.
- all earth now removed from the actual lower ground area
- 80% of steels now in place
- 95% or cast concrete details ing walls in place
- main house structure now rebuilt where required
- contractor is squabbling about bits and bobs to extract more money last minute.
- back garden that's supposed to be lowered as well has not yet been touched!
- entire side return and its roof still needs rebuilding in original stock brick!
It's a race against time and at the moment its looking like time is winning!!
On another note here but: there is something magical about the time the steels come in. It's like the bones or the space matrix is set.
All of a sudden, spaces that were until then only imaginary or only on 1:50 scale, take a 1 to 1 dimension. The spaces actually reveal themselves.
Am particularly happy about the view from the lower ground up through the glass floors/ double height and the glass skylight above into the trees.
It was always going to be the more dramatic space of the scheme, and it looks like its going to work as imagined.
Even if the rest of the shaping up process is going to be in someone else's hand; I managed to get the satisfaction that the bare bone has been set reasonably well.
Small joys.