Saturday, 7 February 2015

Project overview - recap

OK. I had some feedback from "my readership" some time back. 

Admittedly I have been a little "all over the place" with my posts and the coherence and understanding of the narrative and overview may have got lost... 

I had therefore promised to give an overview of what the scheme/ project is all about.

Here it is in key points:

- I trained in architecture, but am working in Fashion... However this is a serious investment project that utilizes my "under-utilized" and hopefully not too rusty architectutal skills. 

- I have done a couple of previous investments/ renovation projects in the last 7 years. ( including a large loft space 2mn from brick lane which I really enjoyed - some details in previous post here ) ( might add further project in a future post as well)

- this latest investment is the first time I join hands with a co-investor. Its 50%-50% but I am on the ground so the performance anxiety is on me!

- we had been looking for a project for a long time made a lot of research... and countless aborted acquisitions/ outbidded offers took place ( auctions and agents) over the year prior to purchase of this unit. ( more info on the auction action here )

- this house was finally bought at auction in June for a purchase price of just above 1m GBP ( 1.1m after all related coats like tax and fees)

- its in bad shape, but the location is very unusual and unique; tucked away from the street and located right in the middle of adjacent gardens...and this is on one of the best and most expensive streets of Hackney, an "up and come" or "up and coming" (depending on how forward thinking one isl) part of London that without doubt will rival Islington within a couple of years. ( or maybe already does for the ones in the know) 

- the original house was 1300 sq ft ( approx 120m²) with a large garden but we have successfully obtained an additional 2000sq ft (approx 180m² ) though planning with hackney council. Resulting in a very large single house with a garden. ( and more info on the planning process here )

- post planning we had an offer from another  developer which could have given us a 6 figure sum clean profit... But wisely or foolishly we believe there are more rewards to be had by pulling through the project ourselves.

- we are now in the process of doing the basement work which is the most complex and fraught part of the job. A huge amount of earth needs to be excavated and the entire existing house supported on new foundations and a steel structure. See last post here

- phase two of the works will be, complete new electrics, new central heating/ underfloor/ complete interior decoration/ structure. New above ground extension. Green roof to extension. Glass floors/ skylights, kitchen, bathrooms ,  landscaping. And and and....

- estimated total cost of works +associated expenses : approx 650.000 GBP ( very much hoping no surprises here. )

- expected resale.... I dare not say at this stage ... Not wanting to jinx it !!!! ( but you may register for email updates for when I do dare!  - no worries, emails not used for any other purposes or third parties.)

On another note:  Am thrilled to say that we crossed the 1000 views about a month back, and although I am principally doing this blog for the sake of it, it is nice to see the interest generated.

I hope i have not missed any key points..... Please do not hesitate to ask me questions on any aspects of the project or any property matters in general - I love the subject and will always be happy to respond to the best of my knowledge. 

No idea what to post as picture with this lenghty and slightly dry post !?

.... OK three further in progress visuals/ sketches.

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